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Unlock your Professional Potential

In our FREE wildfire minimind, you will be able to clarify your brand, your path and leadership areas to step into a leadership role. We will provide you with the guided steps to develop:
 Your distinct professional brand
 Your plan to leadership mindset
 Your unique brand story to articulate your leadership style
 An action plan to step into leadership roles
Write your awesome label here.

What's Included ?

Take your career and
expertise to a new level!

18 Videos

tips and insights to help you uncover your authentic leadership brand and communicate your vision to your high performing team

10 Interactive Activities

interactive activities and self-reflection exercises for you to refine your goals to accelerate your leadership path to success

Accelerated Leadership Community

a community to bring like-minded, ambitious leaders together and share insights & learnings to accelerate your path to an executive leader

Challenge Outline

Created by

Carmen Ho

Write your awesome label here.
Hi ambitious leaders!

I am a psychologist who has been working in Big 4 Consulting firms such as PwC and as a Partner at Global WPP agencies for the last 11 years. 

I've been applying psychology principles in digital transformation, consulting and negotiations which has led me into the top leadership roles where I was fortunate to coach and mentor upcoming leaders into seasoned executives for the last 5 years. 
Since 2016, my gamified workshop has inspired individuals, groups and audiences around the world to engage in the science of positive professional branding for leadership development. 

Not sure where to get started. Book your FREE strategy call!

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